Aesthetic dentistry clinic

Make your smile your beautiful signature.

Want to make your smile your beautiful signature? Visit the best dentist in Jaipur.

When you smile the world sees your teeth, gums and lips.

The top-rated aesthetic dentist in Jaipur has the experience to give you the best dental treatment to improve your smile.

What the best aesthetic dentist can do for you

  • Improve the shape, size, colour and position of your teeth
  • Improve the colour, shape and visibility of your gums

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Digital smile design

This is a procedure that treats your teeth, gums, lips and jaw to give you that perfect smile. The procedure involves:
  • Evaluation of your smile
  • Mapping of your teeth, lips, gums and jaw
  • Discussing what you need changed
  • Planning treatment
  • Provide the most suitable treatment to get the result you want
  • Treatment will include crowns, veneers, whitening, reshaping

Teeth whitening/ bleaching

Ceramic or composite Veneer
It’s now easy to get perfectly coloured and aligned teeth.
Consult the best dentist at Saraswath. Get tooth-coloured ceramic or composite shells fixed on to the front of your teeth to:
  • Cover stained, discoloured or mildly mispositioned teeth
  • Cover chipped, broken, crooked teeth

Depigmentation of gums

Darkened gums can dim your smile, but our top dentist can brighten it. Our gum depigmentation, gum bleaching, treatment that lightens darkened gums to give you a brighter smile. We offer two types of gum depigmentation procedures.
Surgical depigmentation:
The pigmented layer is gently scraped away after surgically separating the outermost layers of the gums from the soft tissues that lie beneath them. The bleeding is controlled and the area covered with bandage.
Laser depigmentation:
Lasers are used to gently scrape away the highly pigmented outer layer of gums.
Advantages of laser depigmentation
  • Bloodless
  • Minimum pain
  • Minimum tissue damage
  • Minimum chance or infection
  • Minimum scarring
  • Longer results
Call now for an appointment with the leading dentist in Jaipur. Get the complete dental care under one roof.
Aesthetic dentistry clinic
Aesthetic dentistry clinic
We are committed to providing consistent, high-quality dental services to ensure perfect dental health and the most beautiful smile.

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